Tell Georgia Legislators:
Stop putting insurance company profits over Georgia families!
Tell Georgia legislators to stand with Georgia families, not insurance companies, and vote NO on SB 68. Georgians need access to justice.
SB 68, misleadingly characterized as “tort reform,” is dangerous legislation pushed by the for-profit insurance industry that threatens to take away Georgians freedom to seek justice when they are harmed.
This bill will make it easier for insurance companies to DENY claims.
It provides IMMUNITY for DANGEROUS companies for their negligence.
And it is designed to PROTECT and INCREASE insurance company PROFITS, at a time when they are already making record profits!
Tell Georgia legislators to stand with Georgia families, not insurance companies, and vote NO on SB 68. Georgians need access to justice.
Get the Facts
Myth: If insurance companies get their way and pass SB68, the Profits Over People Bill, it will lower insurance premiums.
Fact: Nothing in the bill requires one dime of insurance premium reduction. It doesn’t even
freeze rates. It contains no provision to address insurance rates at all. There is zero evidence that stripping away people’s rights reduces insurance rates. Instead, insurance companies pocket bigger profits while consumers pay more. In fact, when Florida passed similar legislation in 2023, insurance rates skyrocketed instead of going down:
Auto insurance rose 23%
Property insurance jumped 177%
Overall insurance premiums increased by 37%
Valid claims were denied, leaving families without compensation for real losses
Myth: This legislation doesn’t infringe on Georgians rights.
Fact: The legal and Constitutional rights of every Georgian is on the line. Wrongdoers must not be shielded from accountability just so insurance companies can add more money to their record- breaking profits. But if SB 68 passes, it will:
Stop juries from hearing arguments about the value of YOUR life if you’re harmed.
Shield negligent landlords and motels that ignore crime and facilitate sex trafficking.
Reduce compensation for medical bills, shifting the financial burden from wrongdoers to taxpayers.
Clog the courts with unnecessary delays that only benefit insurance companies and help them deny YOUR claims.
Myth: We need SB 68 because of frivolous lawsuits that have made Georgia into a “judicial hellhole”
Fact: Georgia has been named the “Top State for Business” 11 years in a row. A state cannot be both the Top State for Business and a judicial hellhole for business at the same time. You’re being lied to.
Sign the petition
Tell Georgia Legislators: Stop Insurance Companies From Putting Profits Over People!